Approved on February 23, 2016
Foster the engagement of staff with the common goal to reach and sustain excellence in support of the University by providing opportunities for open communication to discuss operational efficiencies, to develop and initiate value-added practices that are customer service oriented, to serve as a resource to administration, and to promote professional development of current and future staff leaders.
Goals of the LEAD include:
- 2015 - 16 – Focus on roles and activities to support the Mission:
- Develop Strategic Plan (including budget)
- Quarterly meetings
- Succession Planning or other workshops
- 2016 - 17 – Focus on people:
- Quarterly meetings
- Develop and present (2) Boot Camps/other training
- Annual Conference
- 2017-18 – Need to outline goals for this year
LEAD Board:
- Chair
- Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
- Immediate Past Chair
- Information Technology Chair (aka webmaster)
- Program Chair
- Members at Large: 2
- FHROG Advisory members (one HR and one Financial)
LEADERS of EXCELLENCE AND DISTINCTION (LEAD) at UC, RIVERSIDE, under the direction of the Vice Chancellor of Business and Administrative Services (BAS).
- Develop administrative strategies founded on open communication, trust, respect, and the inclusion of diverse ideas to support excellence in teaching, research, and service.
- Identify changing conditions and collaboratively engage others to build efficient business practices to be an institution of distinction.
- Act as an advisory group to the Vice Chancellor of Business Administrative Services; provide intellectual and practical advice to central administration and campus administrative units.
- Provide and recognize professional opportunities within departments and assist in promoting intellect and talent, along with personal and professional growth opportunities.
- Collaborate with other University groups (e.g., Staff Assembly, ABOG, etc.) in the development of new innovation and high-performance administrative models.
Membership shall consist of all non-represented staff
- General meetings will minimally be once per fiscal year (October through June), and at other times when deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board. LEAD members are expected to attend.
- Board meetings are held monthly, which all Board members are expected to attend; a quorum of four voting members is required to vote. Remote voting methods are acceptable (e.g., electronic mail, telephonic communication, voice over internet protocol, etc.)
The LEAD members shall be governed by a Board consisting of an elected Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (Chairperson-Elect), Program Chair, Information Technology Chair, two elected at-large representatives and two appointed FHROG Advisory members.
- The Board’s duties shall include but not be limited to:
- Develop training based on identified best practices with central administration and other units for deployment to the LEAD members;
- Establish committees and designate members;
- Develop supportive relationships and encourage open dialogue between members.
- The Board’s service responsibilities include:
- The term of office of elected Board representatives is described below. Elections will be held annually to fill positions for those whose terms expire;
- An elected Board Member unable to continue serving on the Board shall be replaced by the first runner-up in the election until the normal term has expired. If there was no runner-up, then the Board may appoint an alternate to serve out the term, if deemed appropriate;
- No individual may serve in the same elected Board position for more than two consecutive terms unless membership votes upon a recommendation from the Executive Board;
- All elected and appointed, non-advisory, Board Members will have an official vote on business matters; a quorum of four is required to vote. Electronic mail, telephonic communication, and voice over internet protocol voting methods are acceptable.
- Representatives:
- Chair – (Second year of overall 3-year commitment)
- Provide direction to the Board Members. Raise awareness of LEAD to the UCR Community;
- Actively participate in the establishment of the organization’s strategic direction and priorities;
- Set the annual agenda for the organization;
- Preside over all General Meetings and Board Meetings;
- Actively solicit trainers, Senior Campus Administration, and department administrators to participate in General Meetings and Professional Development opportunities to cultivate mission-driven relationships;
- Actively participate in future board recruitment;
- Serve as a non-voting Ex-Officio member of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees;
- Vote only in the case of a tie.
- Vice Chair (Chair Elect) – elected (First year of overall 3-year commitment)
- In consort with the Chair and the Program Chair, actively assist in the programmatic needs of meetings and professional development training;
- Serves as first alternate to the Chair (In cases where Chair is unavailable to officiate). Perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and in accordance with the bylaws, and serve as Chair-Elect;
- Actively assist in mentoring the Board Members;
- Attend all General Meetings and Board Member meetings;
- Be a voting member of the Board;
- Ex-Officio capacity on all Ad Hoc Committees
- Other duties as directed by the Chair and the approval of the Board (simple majority).
- Information Technology – appointed 1-year term
- Distribute Meeting minutes by electronic distribution, posting to the LEAD website, or in hard copy;
- Maintain all records as may be required;
- Actively develop and maintain the LEAD website;
- Serve as second alternate to Chair (in cases where VC is unavailable to officiate in the Chair’s absence)
- Attend all General Meetings and Board meetings;
- Be a voting member of the Board;
- Other duties as directed by the Chair and the approval of the Board (simple majority).
- Program Chair – appointed 1-year term
- In consort with the Chair and Vice Chair, actively assist in the programmatic needs of meetings and professional development training;
- Actively participate in the schedule and organization of the General Meeting and/or Professional Development activity;
- Take minutes for Board Meetings;
- Actively email/announce all General Meetings and/or Professional Development activities to the General membership;
- Maintain pre-registration lists and sign-in lists at events/programs;
- Attend all General Meetings and Board Meetings;
- Be a voting member of the Board;
- Other duties as directed by the Chair and the approval of the Board (simple majority).
- Members at Large (2) – elected 2-year term
- Serve as members of standing committees at the direction of the Board (to be elected in alternate 2-year terms for continuity);
- Serve as members on Ad Hoc Committees at the direction of the Board;
- Attend all General Meetings and Board meetings;
- Actively participate in the life of LEAD; learn, watch and absorb information; volunteer according to individual strengths and participate on various sub-committees;
- Be a voting member of the Board;
- Other duties as directed by the Chair and the approval of the Board (simple majority).
- FHROG Advisory members (2) – appointed 2-year term
- Provide thoughtful guidance or recommendations concerning prudent future actions to be taken by the Board;
- Serve as members on Ad Hoc Committees at the direction of the Board;
- Attend all General Meetings
- Attend Board Meetings when asked by Board Members;
- Be a non-voting member of the Board.
- Past Chair (Ex-Officio) – (third year of overall 3-year commitment)
- Attend all General Meetings and Board Meetings in a non-voting advisory capacity.
- Chair – (Second year of overall 3-year commitment)
Elections will be held each Spring quarter to elect all open positions with new officers taking office in July. A majority of those voting will be required for election. The full membership of the LEAD Group will be eligible to vote for all positions. In the case of a tie, the incoming Chair may poll the Board individually for input and then make the final decision.
- Ad Hoc Committees:
Such committees shall be formed at the discretion of the Board to complete short-term projects. Members could include Faculty, Staff and members of the community. Chairs of these Committees will be expected to attend Board meetings and report on the status of their activities. LEAD Board Chair cannot Chair any Standing committee.
- Standing Committees:
Such committees shall be formed at the discretion of the Board for specific on-going purposes. Chairs of these Committees will be expected to attend Board meetings and report on the status of their activities.
- The By-Laws of the LEAD Group are accessible on the website and may be added to, amended, or repealed only by a two-thirds majority of members who are participating in the electronic voting process.
- No proposal relating to introduction, amendment, or repeal of Group legislation may be presented for vote of the general membership unless:
- Such a proposal shall have been reviewed previously and approved by the Board or a designated Ad Hoc Committee whose authority shall be limited to matters of form and the coordination of related changes in the By-Laws of the Group; and
- The membership of the Group has received written notice of the proposal fifteen (15) working days prior to the established date for the vote.
- Whenever a question of procedure cannot be settled within a reasonable time as determined by the Chair, Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the LEAD Group.